

8 Reason Why Your Bounce Rate of Website High And How To Reduce

How much your site grab your audience, Is your readers pay enough attention to maintain your bounce rate of  website?

Your readers are more valuable for your Site conservation, if they holding and keep engaging on your site, it means your reader love your content.


Most of the time it cannot happen with each content writer, they also face issues of high bounce rate.

So what’s the best way to decrease the bounce rate of website, Let me explain all about in that article.

Table of Contents
What Is Bounce Rate?
Bounce rate is actually the percentage of the single-page visit of a website and if any users leave the web page without landing on other pages then Google Analytics measures this for your website.

bounce rate of website

The conservation rate can depend on your content how you pay enough value to grab the attention of your reader which may able your website with higher conservation rate with a low bounce rate.

What is a good bounce rate?

It is the common question which asked by every client, how much the bounce rate would better and good for any website?

According to my experience and different experts shared in his case study, the good bounce rate would be 60% for every site.

And if you just ask what is the average bounce rate of website would be in between 45% to 49%. The bounce rate is all about what type of content you shared.  If the content is more technical and reader take some time to understand some queries ( For example Your content related to IT and Computer Science field) then the bounce rate definitely low.

Bounce Rate vs. Exit Rate
Bounce rate of website and Exit rate are both terms used for Website engagement, but there is a key difference between them.

Bounce rate measures if any reader visits your website but clicks back without visiting any other page on your website While Exit Rate measure when any visitors jump in your site through any page.

How to high Reduce bounce rate of website to increase conservation rate:
High bounce rate means your landing page or your blog design may not provide such kind of experience to your reader.

If the readers leaving your blog without visiting any page, it means there are some problems faced by your audience.

There are following tips which can implement on your blog to reduce your bounce rate of website.

 Improve Your Content’s Readability:
One of the big reason of any blog high bounce rate is the lack of content readability, poor structure and not even a using single heading in content.

content writing

Keep in mind, if your blog providing more efficient content but if you did not arrange your content for your reader, this may be a cause of your highest bounce rate.

According to Microsoft Research, the Human span of time day by day decreases due to using of technology. A human cannot concentrate more than 8 seconds on a single thing.

Using a long paragraph without breaking them into a small chunk of a paragraph may hardly read.

Use subheading in your blog post which helps your reader to better understand.
Use bullet points to make your content more readable.
Use images, screenshots, and charts to capture your reader, because users may not read a single wall full of text. Each Image carries thousand of words so must use it.
Bold or highlight for few times to make your readability better (don’t overdo this).
Keep using a small paragraph (2 to 3 sentences).
End your blog post with “Final words” or “Conclusion” which may able to help a reader to make an action about your content.
 Slow-to-Load Page
Most of the users immediately click back if they see such kind of website or web pages which have the worst site speed.

Google promotes these kinds of content which have positive user experience and that why those website does not rank in such cases because slow speed is one of the factors that consider in poor user experience.

Google also considers this in ranking algorithms that your site speed matters a lot for your content promoting.

If your any website does not open immediately then their many chances may jump out without visiting page.

There are many online tools which you can use to analyze your website, which things cause of low page speed and how to fix them.

Following are the list of tools which you can use:

Google PageSpeed Insights
gt matrix website speed

Compressing images size is also a great way to improve your site speed. Try to use such kind of images which have a low size.

You can also use online images compressor to resize the images.

If your blog on WordPress then you have the best choice to use these plugins which improve your site speed

The following plugins are recommended by the expert:

WP Rocket(Paid)
W3 Total Cache(Free)
Wp Super cache(Free)
Avoid Popups:
Most of the readers jump back due to irrelevant and annoying popup. This is one of the topics which discuss between marketer and site owner, whether to use or avoid them.

On the other hand, it may help to make an email list of your reader which actually love your content.

If you want to derive traffic for a long time and generate your sell then you have to allow limited popups or avoiding such kind of which give a negative impression on your readers.

Bellow is the statistics which ensure that only 14% of users respond to the popup.


Best way to optimize your popup for your reader is that it should be eye-catching and well designed that not annoying your reader.

Frequently, the popups display to the readers within 3 seconds when they land on a page which is not a good idea.

Unexpected and unrelated Content:
Let say you search for “dietary plan” but when the users land on your page they see unrelated content, for example, they primarily promote “faster weight loss”.

In that case, the user may not read your blog post further and the action can increase the bounce rate.

If the expected headline may not use in first or center of the content then the chances of your worthy readers may go back.

Keep in mind the headline and subheading help your reader to quick response on the block of content. The content which expects to look by your reader should be in an appropriate location which easies to scan. The reader may not read you all article; they actually scan the block of text and looking for important points.

Make your Blog post Like Storytelling:
Starting a blog post in the form of a story will give more attention to your reader. Every reader remembers and responds to good stories.


For example, you want to write a blog post on “Fever (Disease)” So in that case how you can persuade your audience to read your content all.

You can start the storytelling by asking some question, let say you asking from your reader, are you are facing such kind allergies at night (blah blah blah).
You can tell about your own story by telling that my younger brother also facing these kind of disease and when he applies these cure, he becomes healthy as he early.
There are lots of other ways you can create or invent the stories and persuade your readers.

Keep Your Blog Fresh with Helpful Content:
Consistently adding new content to blog can boost your conversation rate. Let me explain HOW, the readers who visit your blog and read something helpful which they looking for.

In that case, if he/she read the blog post and love it then definitely the readers will check out your blog and he/she will visit again but once the return visitors come back your web page but you have not published any new blog post that means you lost them.

Write attractive Meta Description for your search users:
Most of the companies don’t put the meta description for their blog post, maybe they think it is not important. But in such a scenario, the meta description is important for the search engine as well as users.

So when we search for any terms/query in Google, the words match with search query become bolded. Basically, the Meta description is the HTML attributes which tells the search engine that what a particular web page about.

meta description

Thatswhy when someone searches for any query the only thing that they see is description and titles which actually tell the reader to click them or not.

Let me tell how a good description will help me to decrease the website bounce rate. The CTR of any page depends on your total number of readers enter in your blog.

so when you unable to attract the readers to your blog that means there is something wrong in your title and description which you should have to optimize them.

Best way to optimize the meta description:
Put the main keywords in your Meta Description.
According to Google, your meta description should be 145 to 160 characters.
Put the attention words.
Don’t repeat the same words.
The meta description should give a summary of the blog post.
Set External link for New Tab:
Content writing is the technique which is own side but these kinds of successful web design strategy is also the part of the positive signal of bounce rate of website to Google.

When you set the button of an external link for the same page, it means you have lost your reader with your own hand.

external links

How you can decrease your bounce rate by setting the external link to other sites which will open in new tab when someone clicks on that link, it means the users open the site on other tab and your site still live and after that your bounce rate of website maintained.

Make your site Mobile Friendly:
Is your site mobile friendly? This is the most important thing nowadays because most of the users search for anything using mobile.

mobile friendly

If your site does not open smoothly in IPad, iPhone, and Tablets it means your losing these readers which may cause of high website bounce rate.

Research showed that:
40% of users watch Videos on Youtube using mobile.
48% of users open their email in mobile.
61% of people use their social media account using their mobile.
 Final Words: Bounce Rate Of Website
Your bounce rate of website is all about depends on your content structure and once you know how your readers looking for content by typing queries and how they scan the content on a website, “ You will be rock”.

Put your main point in the appropriate section which can easily scan by readers. Apply all these tips on your blog, Hope the website bounce will be maintained.

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