

5 Benefits of Installing an SSL Certificate

The last thing you want is getting your banking information leaked all over the internet, right? Well, your users have the same expectations. If they trust you with their importation, they expect you to protect it at all cost. Installing an SSL certificate can help you do it.

Yes, it’s a considerable investment but its worth every penny. If you don’t believe, then consider the following benefits:

1. It Ensures Website’s Safety
You don’t want your audience to come across the following message:

“This Website is not Secure.”

If they see this message, they will avoid your website in the future. Having an SSL Certificate can keep you safe from this embarrassment. The S shows your website has installed an SSL certificate. It helps you prevent security breaches and get secondary authentication in the shape of PKI. It helps to send information only to the receptive server. This way, the data won’t be accessible from other devices even if they share the same service.

This Server is more of digital documentation. It verifies the following credentials:

Certificate Holder
Serial Number
Expiry Date
Signature of Authority
Since 2017, it has become imperative to install this certificate as Google can possible flag websites without this security measure.

2. Gives You A SEO Boost
To reward you for installing this certificate, Google might improve your Search Engine Ranking. Yes, the Benefits of SSL includes SEO ranking parameters. Therefore, if you are having issue ranking your website, then you might want to install this certificate.

Based on your design and size, you can change the HTTP into HTTPS by:

Buy an SSL certificate
Install the Certificate, take precaution if you use a shared hosting service
Change every link from HTTP to HTTPS
Redirect your traffic to the revised links to assure their safety
Update Analytic Tools and Search Console for secure tracking
3. Establish Yourself as a Trustworthy Brand
Even if you don’t run an e-commerce store, its imperative that you have an SSL Certificate. It helps your customer to trust you. If people don’t trust you, they won’t visit your site or buy stuff from you. SSL Certificate is one of the factors that show clients you care about them.

The best thing about SSL certificates is they are affordable and easy to install. Once you install the certificate on your website, you will portray yourself as a professional and reputable brand that cares about its clientele.

4. Gives Your Site a Speed Bump
It used to be a common misconception that an SSL Certificate slows down your speed. We want to debunk this myth. Yes, HTTPS makes your site load fast instead of slowing it down. It improves your websites performance, optimization, and marketing.

5. Encrypts Important Information
As you improve the security of your website, you can encrypt the sensitive information changed between one device to another. This information can be anything from credit card details, to password or bank details.

Installing SSL certificates keeps you from leaking this data and protect your audience. Nonetheless, it improves your user’s overall experience with your website.

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