

Top 5 Ideas for Creating a Website

Coming up with ideas for creating a website is not as difficult as you might be thinking. The one good way to get an idea is that you look at a website that is successful. Think about what is missing in that website or something that can be added to make it more perfect. There you have an idea for a new website.

Let’s understand with an example. Suppose you see an online dating portal that you enjoy using but wished if that could be free to everyone. The is your idea of creating your own website.

This post contains some great ideas for creating a website, those are not only profitable but also easy to proceed with. But before that, let’s find out what more you will need to create a great website along with a creative idea.

Basic Things Required to Create a Website
1. Domain Name:

As domain name is a real identity of your website, it requires a lot of consideration and thought before you choose it. Some tips to choose the right domain name are:

Make it easy to type. Don’t use any slang word with multiple spellings.
Try to keep it as short as possible, If your domain is long and complex, you risk users misspelling it.
Choose domain extension according to the area of your business. For example, if you targeting a global audience, go with “.com” On the other hand, if your business is country-specific or city specific, you can choose domain extensions like .au, .ca, .in, etc.
2. Web Hosting:
Web hosting offers your website all the technologies and services needed it to be available on the world wide web. Even if you have a great website creating ideas, and you don’t choose the right hosting service, it will all go waste.

Today, there are a lot of web hosting options available that you can choose from. Shared hosting, VPS hosting, cloud hosting and dedicated hosting are some major hosting options provided by a majority of hosting providers. You can start with a shared hosting which is a cheaper option comparatively and upgrade to premium option whenever is required.

To choose the right hosting partner, it is important that you conduct research about different web hosting providers. There are numerous hosting review blogs available on the internet that you can go through to know about the best hosting options available for you. You may read here to know about the some best web hosting providers of 2019. The blog post not just compares the pricing but also make you aware of uptime, speed, and other features.

Bluehost, Hostinger, A2Hosting, etc are a few reputable names in the industry.

3. Website Building Platform:
From easy-to-use content management systems (CMSs) to self-hosted website builders to manual web coding, you can choose any of the ways to create your website.

4. Popular CMSs

5. Popular Self-Hosted Website Builders
5 Best Website Ideas That Anyone Can Try
1. Health & Wellness:
For centuries, people have been obsessed with health and wellness. Nowadays, people keep searching about topics like losing weight, diet plan, herbal remedies, etc on the internet. According to WordStream, keywords like health, exercise, 24 hours fitness, weight loss, fitness first, diet, etc. have good search volume in search engine results.

So, if you have a good knowledge of subjects like health and wellness. And if you can educate your audience about the remedies to heel their health issues, you can go with this website idea.

2. Stock Photography Website
Over the years, the need for the picture has increased dramatically. Today, every website, blog, ebook, and slideshow needs pictures to make their content more appealing. Therefore, more and more people are buying images for their website from stock photography websites.

If you have creative skills like graphic designing, digital photography, creating a stock photography website can be a good website idea for you. You can really make a good amount of money by selling your photos. Pexel.com is a good example of the stock photography website.

3. Tutorial Website:
If you’re proficient in a particular subject, you can’t find a better website idea than creating your own tutorial website. Whether you are good at website building, making music, or even teaching Maths, you can create a tutorial website and showcase your video or text tutorials.

You can make money from tutorial websites via multiple streams such as paid subscription, affiliate marketing, direct advertisement, etc. To take inspiration, you may check out WikiHow. This popular website provides tutorials on how to do anything.                         

4. Self-Improvement:
It is a huge niche online. Even on Google Trends, the term “Self-Improvement” is gaining popularity.

If you can help people with building self-esteem and increasing confidence, you can turn this website idea into a successful online business. Tony Robbins is a big brand who is doing great in the same niche.

On your website, you can provide ebooks, videos or online training on subjects like self-improvement, career success, self-esteem, etc.                     

5. Classified Websites:
Classified websites let users add ads to their services. These ad listing can be divided into free, premium and featured listing. You will get paid if a business or user submit a premium or featured ad listing on your website.

There are some other streams of income generating with a classified website such as direct advertising, affiliate marketing, etc. Some good examples of popular classified websites are Craiglist, eBay Classifieds, Hoobly, Olx, etc.

If you want to know more ideas for creating a website, have a look at below-mentioned tips.

Tips to Find Great Website Ideas
– Do complete market research about different website niches. Check out whether or not niches you’re considering have a profitable and big market. Free tools like Keyword Planner, Google Trends can help you find which term or keyword is getting popularity over the internet.

– You can pick a small niche. Search for your topic on Google and find how many people search for that topic.

– Always choose a profitable niche. An easy way to test it is that check out if any advertisers are ready to pay for your chosen niche.

These are a few top ideas for creating a website in 2019 that can help you make a really good amount of money. Whether you to earn via affiliate marketing, direct advertising or Google Adsense program, the niches mentioned-above have good potential. Try to create a website on the subject you enjoy talking about. Otherwise, you will get bored after a couple of months.

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